The Fine Art of Tea

Today is Miss Dolly’s birthday! And to celebrate, you’re invited to a tea party — one that Miss Dolly Yates is hosting herself, as she explains what goes into a proper English tea.  So please join us as we discuss everything from tea cups, to lemon curd, to the actual types of tea itself. I know you’ll enjoy Miss Dolly in the video below as much as I do!

(If your video doesn’t run, please update your Adobe. Also, to see the full frame hit the large square box on the far right of the bottom black bar (to the right of YouTube) Thanks!)

Dolly Yates started her new career as a writer at the age of 90, and now has three books in print. She also tours the country giving inspirational speeches and is loved wherever she goes. Her three books are, Tales from the Teapot, One Heart Two Countries, and Share My Gold. 

I am so proud to call her my friend.

Happy Birthday, Darling!

Stay tuned for more from Miss Dolly coming soon.




4 thoughts on “The Fine Art of Tea

  1. Happy birthday, Dolly! I loved this video, and I can’t wait to read your work. I am already online taking a peek at “Share My Gold,” and it’s wonderful. I look forward to ordering it and reading the rest! I hope you have a lovely day!

  2. Happy Birthday, Miss Dolly, and a big Thank You to both of you for sharing your celebration with us all. You’ve brought back beautiful memories of my mother pouring the tea at family gatherings, and I agree, Miss Dolly, it does indeed make one feel very special.

    Wishing you a wonderful year full of joyous times with dear friends and pots and pots of heavenly tea.

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