Darynda Jones: Snarky Sayings and Grim (Reaper) Secrets

Darynda Jones has a secret. On paper, her alter ego Charley Davidson is snarky, sex-mad, able to kick paranormal foes DJONES001-2in their paranormal behinds. In real life, Darynda is probably one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met. She has a humble, self-deprecating humor, she’ll tell you all her writing secrets as if they don’t amount to much, and she’s more likely to talk about her kids than her books.

Is it no wonder I love this gal?

You’ll love her even more because Darynda is giving one reader who leaves a comment below, here or at KissAndThrill.com, an ARC — yes that’s right — an ADVANCE READER’s COPY of her book number 8!  

Eighth Grave After Dark isn’t out until May, and though you might have to wait a bit to get the ARC, you’ll be in the know with reviewers across the country who get the book months in advance!   So leave us your best bit of snark, or tell us why you love Darynda, or why you want to read her book, and we’ll let you know who won next week. 

Here are some things you might not know about her:

*Awards: Darynda has won 11 awards, including the Daphne du Maurier, the RITA, the Bookie Award (three times!), 2 HOLT Medallions, the Golden Heart, the GOTCHA, The PASIC, and the Rebeca (LERA).

*Genre: Darynda has written in a ton of genres, even though they’re not all published, including historical!

*Education: She’s a Summa cum Laude graduate and has a BA in Sign Language Interpreting.

*Eighth Grave After Dark will be out on May 19th and Darynda will also be in an anthology, Dark Screams, Volume 3 which will be out on May 12th. Steven King was in Volume 1 and there will be a collector’s edition available, too, with all 25 authors signatures. Our gal is now in the same league as Steven King — but we all knew that already, right?

I sat down with Darynda to discuss her Grim Reaper Charley Davidson series that launched with the mega-best seller First Grave on the Right. She also speaks about how she writes humor and bubbles snark on the page and gives up secrets about her newest series.


(If the video doesn’t play properly, please update your Adobe.)

Darynda’s latest books are Sixth Grave on the Edge, and Seventh Grave and No Body, I know you’ll love them!

Don’t forget to leave your comment below or at KissAndThrill.com to be eligible for the drawing for an Advance Reader’s Copy of Eighth Grave After Dark! A comment left on both websites will be counted twice, and if you follow either blog, you qualify for up to two more entries! So commenting in both places and following both blogs gives you four chances to win. (If you already follow, you’re already entered one time.) 

( UPDATE: The contest is now closed)

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561 thoughts on “Darynda Jones: Snarky Sayings and Grim (Reaper) Secrets

      • Love these books! They just keep getting better and better. I am currently rereading all of them, and am on Third grave dead ahead. ♥

    • Daryna Jones books are like an addictive drug or a smooth piece of chocolate. Can’t put down her books. Keep them coming!

    • I stumbled upon Darynda’s books when I was looking for ghost stories a couple of months ago. Loved the books. Read all in a week and blogged about them for The Book Breeze. Awesome series.

    • I absolutely love all of Darynda Jones books!! I wish I were funny n snarky but I’m not, which is all the more reason I love her books!! I am very fortunate to have marries a wonderful n immensely funny man so I laugh often!

    • I love this story line I can’t wait until the next book come out . I hope there going to be a lot more book in this series. I would love to read the this book. p.s. are you starting any new series ?

    • Just discovered Darynda’s books. I’m binge reading them..on #4!! Can’t get enough of Charley & what’s his name :))

    • Darynda I am in love with your books!….as a teacher that commutes between my prek school and special ed tutoring sessions at various locations I spend hours in my car listening to audio books….especially yours! Please don’t make me wait for number 8…I need to see what happens with beep…love Lara

    • It’s hard to type with my fingers crossed! Isn’t that what you do when you really, really want something, LOL!?! Uh-oh, or, are we supposed to stop doing that when we become adults, LOL??? Right now, I’m going to go with it because it just might help me win, LOL! Gosh, I wish I could think of something funny or cute (or both) to say but I can’t think of anything, like that, right now:) So, I’ll just say that I desire to win GRAVE #8 because I love the series! Also, cheers to Darynda. She shows so much love to her fans! That makes her not only an awesome writer but she’s a KIND, sensitive person, too!

    • I had NO idea how hooked I’d be when I began first grave!!! Now, I’m listening to other audiobooks only to fill my time until #8 drops! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!

  1. Pingback: Darynda Jones: Snarky Sayings and Grim (Reaper) Secrets | Kiss and Thrill

  2. i love my Darynda!! She is one of the most down to earth people I’ve met. I tell her all the time I’ve got her back & I will, forever!! She’s my rock star 😉

  3. I love Charley, the series is amazing. The quips at the start of every chapter really crack me up. So can’t wait for Eight Grave!!!

  4. Great interview!! I love my D! She’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever had the good fortune of meeting! ♡ (and her books are pretty good too) 😉

  5. Read all 7 books in 7 days. To be honest I picked up the first for its cover only, and then I fell in love! Darynda is amazing and her writing keeps me coming back for more. Can’t wait to get my hands on #8!

  6. I so want to get an early copy of eighth grave!!! I love this series and have already re-read it three times ( the entire series) since finishing seven trying to last til eight. LOL

    Take pity on me and let me read the next one early!

  7. Nice interview

    Darynda is one of my favorites authors, Charley is so hilarious and lovely and I love her taste for Mexican food

  8. Awesome! Cannot wait for Eighth Grave After Dark. I’m supposed to be online looking for a job, lol, COMPLETE squirrel moment!!!

  9. I love everything Darynda writes, and her sense of sarcasm and humour match my own! I would be more than honored to get an ARC of her next book!! Pretty please pick me! (and that’s a Canadian ‘please’, so it’s extra polite) 😉

  10. Great interview! I have learned so much from these books like if I am in a fight with clowns to always go for the juggler! : )

  11. I was hooked from the first. I found First Grave by chance. Gobbled it up, then went crazy finding the rest of them (I was late to discovering Darynda Jones!). What I absolutely love about this, also, is the series takes place in Albuquerque and that is where I lived for 6 years (went to HS there), so when she mentions certain areas, it just kinda gives me a thrill to think, “Hey! I know where she is talking about!” 🙂 LOVE this series. Got my friend hooked on it, too.

  12. I absolutely love the Charley Davidson series! Darynda has created an awesome series that you can submerge yourself into . The story leave syou wanting more! 😉

  13. I love Darynda – she tells awesome stories! This was the first book that I read and started laughing out loud, causing my autistic son to look at me and say “what so funny?”.

  14. Thanks for the good interview. Looking forward to the next book and am so glad she writes and publishes so fast! 🙂 It’s so nice not to have to wait a year for the next one.

  15. My co-worker reads books after I am finished with them. I would love to tease her endlessly with my reading the book months ahead. She’s the read the last chapter first kind of girl. Please pick me so I can torment her.

  16. I’m not sure what to say, except every time I’m done reading each book I feel a loss until the next book comes out. I know someday the series will end but for now I can only sit and wait for each new book. Love, love. love the series.

  17. I absolutely love Darynda, as well as her whole Charley Davidson series!
    I was at the library one night looking around for a book to read. I didn’t want just any book, I was being very very picky that night. I had no idea exactly what I wanted, I just knew I’d know it if I saw it.
    I was about the leave because I couldn’t get in the mood for anything I came across (most of them were books in a series and the first book wasn’t available at the time), and right before I headed out I came across First Grave On The Right. The cover caught my attention so I read the summary and fell in love. I knew I found my next read, and I was so excited to see it was the beginning of a series.
    Needless to say I went through the books like water. Just one after the other after the other.
    I LOVE Darynda’s writing. Charley is hilarious and Reyes is so very yummy.
    If there is anyone that deserves an ARC, I definitely believe it should be me! One of her biggest fans right here 🙂

  18. I love these books! Charley and company’s escapades got me through hospitalization and recovery last year, too – even it did hurt to laugh!

  19. “I have the perfect body. It’s in the trunk” Hehehehe Love the chapter headings as much as I love this series…have read them all and shared my books with like minded friends, all of whom concur with my opinion! Great reads, great fun, great action…maybe “Eighth” will tell us about the man in the corner.

  20. This would be so AWESOME! I’d love to win. I already have an autographed copy of 6th Grave. An advance copy of 8th would be AMAZEBALLS!

  21. Very rarely does an author make me laugh out loud while reading his or her books. Darynda does and for that I thank her. Can never have too much laughter in my life.

  22. I love this series and get every one of them on audible so that I can listen to them while i drive (and i drive a lot). I also buy the books so that I have them in my collection. Great series and i hope it doesn’t end anytime soon.

  23. Ms Jones is, well, one heck of a story teller! Waiting, not so patiently for 8. My YARNERS and I take this waiting as a necessary evil! It isn’t often that you find an author that appeals to a group of people across the spectrum of life. The one that tickles me the most are the engineers, it’s out of their logical thought process, but the light came on and they can’t get enough! The snarkier the better, we are READY!

  24. I had the pleasure of talking to Darynda at Barnes and Noble during one of her signings! Lovely lady who is just as smart, witty and funny as her characters! She’s down to earth and has some great stories! Can’t wait to see what’s to come from her!

  25. I just love Charlie and Cookie always looking forward to seeing what they are up to next! Thank for giving us a chance to find our ahead of the rest!

  26. I love these books. They are my go to books for when I am having a bad day and just need something to take me away from it all for a while.

  27. I love these books so much! I have the first five and have read all 7! Charley is the coolest character ever! Winning the arc would be so awesome!

  28. Great interview. Really, love a Charley and Reyes and of course Darynda. Is my favorite serie and can’t wait for the Eight grave. I hope can win the arc. And hope that we will have so much more of Charley and all her story. Thanks a Diana for the interview and Darynda for her books.

  29. Omg, I would love to win this book. I count down the days to the release of the next book in the series. I just finished seventh grave and can’t wait for eight. Love you Darynda, keep them coming!

  30. I have read all of the of the Grave series and they just keep getting better with each book. Very much looking forward to the next installment

  31. I’m happy to hear you are such a fast writer and I don’t have to wait too long for the next installment of Charlie. Your quick writing certainly doesn’t have a detrimental affect on the quality of your work – excellent ideas, dialogues (internal and spoken), and plot twists.
    My favorite thing is that you’re younger than me. Odds are I can keep reading your wonderful books until I die.

  32. I am absolutely in love with these characters! This series is witty and funny and addictive! I am constantly dying to read the next book! I can not wait for this next adventure!

  33. I 💜 me some Darynda Jones!! She writes amazing, and I only need to know one thing? Who do I hafta kill to get that ARC of Eighth Grave!!! (slang intentional)


  34. I work in a library and have been reading this serious from the beginning. I have been able to build up a following with the library patrons and would LOVE to get my hands on an ARC! 🙂

  35. Love Darynda , you had me hooked at First Grave and each time a book comes out you have me wanting more. My daughters have heard me giggling as I read the books. I have already played around with who should star in the movie version of the different characters. I would so love to win the next book. Pick me so I can still escape with Charlie and the Gang.

  36. Nothing makes me happier than reading a book by Darynda! Her series was the first that propelled me into the PNR genre, and I’ve been hooked every since. I’ve told so many of my friends about Charley and Reyes and have gotten them all hooked as well.

    But let’s be real here. Seriously, Darynda? How do you expect me to find a husband when the only perfect man that exists in this world is….fictional? My unrealistic expectations have skyrocketed thanks to you. *Sigh*

    Still love you anyway!

  37. I love Charley, who reminds me of someone I’d really like to know. And Mrs Jones has become my new favorite author. Surpassing my all time favorite Anne McCaffrey. That is quite a feat. Mrs McCaffrey (rest her soul) has always been the author I recommended most. Now, I recommend Mrs Jones. And not just to the women. My boyfriend loves her books too!

  38. Love the series! Waiting on book 8! Would love to get it ASAP as I’m running out of excuses to clean my house, cook for my family and basically organize my life!!

  39. I ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY ADORE YOU!!! You are amazing and I am IN LOVE with Charley Davidson, she is like me made over, I don’t think I’ve ever met another character that more resembled me or that was any more freaking awesome! I am a HUGE fan, keep writing girl, I totally love you!!!

  40. My sister and I share an audible account. Your first book “First Grave o the Right” was on there. I listened to it not knowing what it was about. From the first chapter to the last I was laughing and rooting for Charlie. It only took me 24 hours to listen to it. I immediately after called my sister and was telling her how good it was. She told me hadn’t listened yet. She started that night. Then she kept texting me sayings from it with “LOL’s”. She listened to it in 24 hours also. Now, we are both Charlie Davidson junkies….almost as much as she is for mocha lattes. We are looking forward to the new book! Thank you for such a fun series! I hope you write many more.

  41. My cousin loves this series and I’ve purchased 1-6, so far. I hope to start them soon, because she’s constantly telling me they are amazing! It just kills me to start a series and have to wait on a book. If I win the ARC, I promise to start reading them right away!

  42. Loved this interview and shared it with a friend. Also I’m commenting to enter to win an ARC of The 8th Grave After Dark. Thanks!

  43. I would so much love to read book number 8 sooner rather than later! I love the series and look forward to each installment. Thank you for this opportunity to win an ARC.

  44. And Love Darynda because is the best author that I read. I buy the Eighth grave in amazon from Months ago. Really love the serie and I discovery the past july and can’t stop of reading all the booKs. All read in 2 weeks. And now I can’t imagine my life without the books. I just hope that we will have for so many years. And I can’t believe that exist another person more fan than me. I buyall books in all versions. Spanish and english. In paperback and hardcover. Please I want the arc. Darynda I love you so much. Reyes is the best character for me. Is kind, smart, lovely, sexy and of course love a Charley in a special way. is diferent to all the Character that I read.
    And love the serie more than nothing because we have seven books of the same story and still get me exciting and waiting for more. I really hope it will be for so many years.

  45. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your book! Just the other day I recommend this series to two of my friends who were looking for a new series to read. I just can get enough of Charley, keep them coming! 🙂

  46. This is a whole new world for me, but after seeing the interview, I’m going to jump in and would love to explore this series. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  47. what a wonderful interview! Can’t believe the eighth book in the series is almost here! I’m dying to read it.
    (Or maybe I just miss Charley’s personality. And everything else. ) Can’t wait!

  48. I am grateful every day that Darynda has shared her world of Charlie and Reyes with us. I get lost in their world every time I flip a page. Her snarkiness is what makes her unique and down to earth. I consider her my best friend. When I lost my dad this past summer entering Charlie’s world is the only thing that would put a smile on my face. I feel as if I’m on her adventures with her solving the problems that jump out at her. Also having to do without coffee that was a killer lol. No morning is safe without some just ask my son lol I will bite his head off. Thank you and it would be an honour if you would gift me with an advance copy. Either way I am looking forward to when it is released to find out if she survives without her caffeine lol and to see what will unfold next. Bless you and once again it’s a privilege to be able to be share in your creativity and watch Charlie’s and Reyes life’s adventures unfolds and to see watch new twists and turns may come up.

  49. I love the Charley series and I live Darynda Jones. She is hands down the best writer of the times. I have read this book series so many times I have lost count

  50. I love Charley she makes me wonder how she survives her mishaps. I pre order as soon as I can so I can read what happens next. I have all 7 books and just chomping at the bit to read number 8. Keep them coming love this series. Thanks for writing them.

  51. I neeeeeeeeeed this book early. For the release of Seventh Grave I took a day off work and booked the kids into care so I could read it. But the release date was based on the Northern Hemisphere. So as an Aussie I had no book (but still a day off so Hurrah!). I had to wait until midnight, pulled an all-nighter reading it. So, gimme!!!

  52. She’s so hilarious. I love her and her books. I fell in love with Charley since I read her first line in First Grave on the Right. And I miss Reyes, so bad.

  53. I love these books and cannot wait to read about what’s going to happen next with Charley and Reyes. Darynda writes this series so well and I dread the day we get the last one. 😦

  54. I LOVE this series! It’s just been getting better and better. Nothing is guaranteed to put a smile on my like the one I get while reading Darynda’s books. I can’t wait for the next book!

  55. Charley and Reyes brings love, sex and action into a otherwise dull life. I have all of the series and waiting on pins and needles for the next edition.

  56. This is my all time favorite book series that I read over and over, when someone ask’s me for a book recommendation this series is always my go to pic. Loved your interview both of you are sweet and talented ladies! Getting this book early would seriously not only make my day but entire year ( which just shows you how not great my new year has been so far lol ) *Fingers crossed*

  57. I have all of the books in the series and have already pre-ordered #8!! I am spreading the love of Darynda’s books to everyone I can. 🙂

  58. Great interview! I love reading Darynda’s Charley series. Every time I read one of Charley’s stories, I can’t wait to read the next one. Darynda writes this series very well and I hate to see it end.

  59. This series has been a bit of an obsession for me for quite some time, and I honestly suffer a book hangover EVERYtime I finish one! Love this series!!

  60. When I first saw the book I had a feeling that it would be one of my favorite series… and I was right!! Every ending kills me because I have to wait for the next one… lol. Love ALL the characters!

  61. YEAH!!!! More Charlie & Reyes!!! I would love an ARC of this book. I would also like to know where i can get a watch like the one on the cover of the book. ~

  62. I love this series! Getting an advanced copy would be amazing! I have all 7 copies in print plus 2 on my phone. Charley makes me feel less guilty about my love for God’s nectar or as mere mortals call it, coffee.She is such a badass I feel like I should be wearing a leather jacket while I read!
    My favorite little detail is how Reyes removed the wall seperating the apartments, they live together but apart, I just get such a clear picture of those rooms with the headboards pressed against eachother. Thank you Darynda!

  63. Oh my god I would love to win!!! This series is one of my favorites! Right up there with JR wards BDB series. Charley is my favorite heroine

  64. This series has it all: coffee, humor, chemistry, mystery, adventure, characters you wish were your friends, the grim reaper, dogs, and coffee. Darynda is an amazing writer. I went as the grim reaper on vacation for Halloween two years ago in honor of Charley. I can’t get enough of Charley and Cookie! Although I am eager to read the next novel, I don’t want the arc. I want to savor the anticipation. Cheers!

  65. I love the Charley Davidson, series. Darynda Jones is a nice person who actually cares about her fans. It’s really nice that there is a series set in NM, seeing my own town mentioned in her book was really cool.

  66. I can not wait for your book to come out!!! There are not many books I can get lost in when I need to check out of reality for awhile. I always find myself reading the grimm reaper series over again from one to seven.

  67. I LOVE Charley and Cookie. They have a heart of gold, a good laugh and are there for each other through everything. The stories are great, the humour is great, what’s there not to love! Oh and Reyes is good too! Can’t wait for book 8 hurry up!!!

  68. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I want to win this soooo bad! An ARC?! That would be so cool! Thank you so much for the opportunity! Did I add enough exclamation points?! Lol

  69. Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness! I would love to win this! An ARC?! That is soooooo awesome! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I think I would cry if I win. I never win giveaways. Only thing I’ve ever won are karaoke contests! Lol

  70. Hooked is not the right word for this series! Totally in love with the series, love the quotes at the beginning of each chapter!

  71. I think Darynda Jones’ books are way better than any of Stephen King’s books I’ve read!! And to find out she has a story in Dark Screams, Volume 3 (which I hadn’t previously known about) gives me even more to be excited about! I can’t wait to read both books!

  72. Me encantan los libros he leido las 7 de ellos y estoy ansiosa de leer el 8
    creo que es una escritira increible
    con mucho talento.
    Le deseo mucho mas exito en peoyectos futuros y espero que realize mas libros
    bendiciones !!!!!

  73. Fantastic Interview! I love the Charlie Davidson Series and especially Charlie’s “snarkiness” – the number stickers & sayings are awesome and of course there is always REYES! YUMMM! Darynda Jones is amazing!

  74. My apologies, that was suppose to say bumper stickers not number stickers. That’s what happens when I’m excited about a subject and typing too fast.
    Darynda Jones’ “Grave” Series ROCKS! 💀

  75. I live reading about Charley, the books are so so addictive and incredible!! Darynda Jones is so good at making Charley timeless character!

  76. We all wish we could say those snarky comments that come to us after the moment has passed! One of my favourite retorts when someone asks why I have so many books is, “Well the bookcases would look pretty silly if they were just empty, now, wouldn’t they?” 😉
    Great interview!

  77. I absolutely love Darynda! Charley’s series is one of my favorites that I re-read a lot. I cannot wait for 8th! What fun, someday I hope to meet Darynda although I’ll probably be tongue tied and just stare. Thank you!

  78. I LOVE these book and I’m always so excited when a new one comes out! Darynda Jones is a great author. Definitely end up with reading hangovers when the new ones come out.

  79. Great interview… I love her and this series! Charlie is just a kick but kinda gal u want to know more about n either b or b best friends with!

  80. Hello! Please, may I have a copy of the arc for Eighth Grave?
    Thank you,
    Thank you Darynda for writing and bring us Charlie. 😉

  81. OMG, I would love an ARC! I adore the Grave series, read the first 7 books just last year, so I’m caught up with everyone else! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  82. I love the Charley Davidson series. Darynda is a fantastic writer with such fantastically written books, the kind that you can lose yourself in, with a guilty wish that your husband was actually Reyes Farrow (chocolate covered heroin and I was addicted through and through), the humour, intreague and cliff hangers are the best I have ever read. I am really excited and looking forward to reading book 8 and I love Darynda’s writing so much that I am also trying to get hold of copies of the Darklight series, but they are not available in the UK 😦

  83. Darynda is totally amazing! She creates a world that is more real than real. the Spiritual and the fantasy interwoven so much but with a romantic spice to it and basically it makes me tingle all over just to think i am going to read one more of her books. a real literary treasure 🙂 thank you for the interview and thank you for the funny unique world of Charley that helps me to see magic even after i finish reading her book.

  84. Why I love darynda? Cos she creates the awesome world where Charley lives. I wanna read the 8th book cos….duh….more Charley awesomeness and Reyes sexiness!

  85. Darynda Jones is an auto-buy author for me. Love, love, love her work! And the lady herself is sweet, generous, and all around awesome! Not to mention pee in your pants funny 😉 Adore her!

  86. I love Darynda’s books and have listened and read all of them. She is a phenomenal author. I ran across this saying the other day and it made me think of Charlie, in fact it may have been posted to the grimlets FB page, “My train of thought derailed… There were no survivors.” Thanks, Diana, for the interview with Darynda and for the ability to win the ARC of 8th Grave.

  87. Loved the interview! Darynda is one of the best authors out at the moment and I love all of her works. Charley is always one of my go to series and one of the series I tell everyone that they need to read.

  88. OMG! I love all your books so much i don’t mind not winning an arc as long as i get to read them anyway. Thank you so much for the book-gasms!! FYI I loves your UK covers, i have them all. wink* wink*

  89. I AM Charley, minus the reaper part of course…. Love this series and read each new installment in its entirety on the release date. Not having to wait for 8th Grave would be heavenly.

  90. I love this series! I can’t wait for book 8! How many books will be in this series? I’m always afraid that each book will be the last one.

  91. I really love Charley Davidson and her adventures (and Reyes, of course) <3. And I think Darynda is amazing as a writer and as a person. Thanks for all!! I can't wait to read Eighth grave!

  92. This is a fantastic series, I can’t wait for the next book, whenever a new one is released I read the whole lot again, some very late nights when I think “just one more chapter!”

  93. I love this series so much, and I’m absolutely hanging for the eighth book. Please take pity on me as I’m in Australia and the book won’t be out here until much later than May.

  94. I’m still not tired of these characters. You would think 8 books in and you wouldn’t have so much to write about but I stalk the internet waiting for the release of the future charley Davidson books. She is a phenomenal writer and I highly recommend her series and other literary pieces to anyone who loves great believable characters and great writing

  95. Would love to get my hands on #8 early! Can’t wait to discover what happens in the next chapter of Reyes and Charley’s life. Love the blend of snark, romance, and mystery that Darynda puts into each book! She certainly keeps me captivated and rolling on the floor in laughter.

  96. Was there ever any question if Darynda in the same league as Steven King?? I think not! Shes amazing! I would love love love to win this ARC!

  97. Love this series and can’t wait for the next one. Just started this series in December. Thankful to a coworker for hooking me up.

  98. OMFG! I love Darynda jones and the WHOLE charley Davidson series! Every book is so much better than the other one ! I usually finish reading it the same day it’s released in one sitting! After the way the last book ended I can’t even wait for the next one in May! Torture! Can’t wait to read more about Mr. Reyes Alexander farrow.

  99. Well I only just started book 4 (because I just got books 4-6 yesterday) however I only started book 1 about a week ago lol I’m loving this series and am busy writing reviews about them already. Would absolutely LOVE to get an arc copy of book 8!!

  100. I have been following Darynda since book 1. This series is awesome and makes me laugh so much. Can’t wait for book #8 to get here. Would love to win the ARC!!!

  101. Love Love Love your series..i have them all..would so love to win..big fan..would so love to win…Thank You Drynda Jones

  102. Wonderful interview. A fantastic series of books, I look forward to each new installment. A favorite series for me, that I can read over and over again.

  103. I’m obsessed with the Charley Davidson series! I’ve cried sad tears, happy tears, laughed my arse off, and gotten mad. When you feel all kinds of different emotions in a book, and I’ve gotten them all in each book, you know the author is amazing! Thanks to Darynda, for your fantastic writing!

  104. I love this series. It has everything you want in a story. The books are filled with sassy, sexy, and strength. Having such a strong female character who can dish it out like Charlie is awesome. I am a librarian and I recommend this series to all my female readers. 🙂 Thanks Darynda!!!

  105. love Cookie/Charlie banter and Their coffee fix. Especially referring to decaf as they do. Fav seen is where Charlie try’s it for the first time. Made me large out loud as gone through the same myself

  106. Darynda is awesome! I’ve read all of her books and love her style of writing! Her characters are so well formed. I always finish the new book in a day and then wish I was a slower reader! Lol

  107. Aw…. Darynda, you’re adorable! I can’t wait to read 9 – this series is awesome! Charlie is my grim reaper from another mother 🙂

  108. I love this series. I’m always anxious for the next book as soon as I finish one. I would be thrilled to get an early copy of the next book!

  109. I love the series because Charlie is me….but younger, thinner, better looking, more confident, has special powers, and some other stuff. I would LOVE to have an advance peek at number Eight!

  110. Most of the copies I have from the rest of the series are ARCs from my days at an independent bookstore- here’s hoping I can continue the tradition!

  111. Love , love, love these books. I’ve been addicted since book one. I read them to my daughter Sam when she was born, and now I’m sharing them with my newborn daughter Charley

  112. Darynda’s series is one of the absolute best out there. I enjoy reading her series because I can relate to Charley. ( no I’m not a grim reaper👤) I am how ever witty, funny, and sarcastic! I have a best friend who is a lot like Cookie as well. The best part of the new release of book 8 is that it’s on my mother’s birthday, although she’s spending it on another spiritual plane, probably terrorizing some innocent children. Love and miss that crazy woman!!!

  113. Love the Charlie series. She actually gets away with saying the kind of things I dare only to think! Lol. Got my Mom, daughter, and sister hooked too!

  114. I love this series! As a librarian this is one of my most recommended reader advisory selections-I love getting to share them.

  115. Thanks for an interesting interview. Darynda is always fun. And please, please, please for the sake of my sanity I need to win this ARC!!

  116. OMG! I’m so excited for the next installment in the series!!!!! I have been hooked ever since I picked up the first book over a year ago and have told everybody I know about it.

  117. Love love love Darynda and her books. I recommend them to everyone!! 😁. I have them all in hardback and on my kindle..I reread them all the time. Amazing writing! I can’t wait for eight!!

  118. Darynda Jones is my favorite author! Her books seriously rock!! And she is the sweetest, nicest person I have ever spoken too. I pre-order her books as soon as the option is available because I know I will love it. Each book is generously laced with humor and adventure while the characters are so real. Thank you Darynda for sharing your talent!

  119. Oh yes please. This series is brilliant and I always reread the previous books before settling down for the latest issues. Thanks for the chance

  120. I’m totally addicted to these characters, can’t wait to find out what adventure will be next and how (if) they’ll survive!

  121. I love Daryndas voice through Charlie. I laugh out loud every time I read her books, from the chapter quotes to Charlie’s quips. I was going through a tough break up and 7th grave helped a ton for a wonderful escape. If I get an ARC I will definitely do some good reads reviews and maybe finally get my book club to start reading something fun and not “deep and meaningful” all the time.

  122. Darynda is an amazing person and an even more amazing writer. She is genuine and truly loves and appreciates her fans. Her humor is what makes her characters so loved and real. Everyone should have someone as sarcastic as Charley in their lives.

  123. I just discovered Darynda Jones and the Charley series in 2014, but they were so great that I couldn’t stop once I got started. I read the first 6 books in 5 days, hardly taking breaks to sleep! Then I anxiously awaited the 7th book, which I loved, and now I’m back to waiting for this new book to come out. I can never decide if Charley is being sarcastic, extremely ditzy, or flat out crazy. Maybe all 3? In any case, Darynda Jones has written a character that I love to pieces. And Reyes… who knew Satan’s son would be so HOT (no pun intended). The couple and the series have very quickly become one of my favorites!

  124. One of my favorite series. Will stay up after completing class work for my BA program to read the latest about Charlie!

  125. I absolutely LOVED the interview! Darynda Jones’s Charley Davidson Series is both AMAZING and fun! I am SO looking forward to Eigth Grave!

  126. I love love love all the books in this series I have them all. It would be an honor to get an ARC. Please consider me and thank you so much for that beautiful mind of yours filled with such delicious imagination.

  127. I’ve been reading these since the very first one came out! Darynda is amazing! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win an ARC!!!

  128. I don’t have the gift of snark that Charley (Darynda does) so I will just say that I adore this series and would absolutely love to win an ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark! Thanks.

  129. Loved the Interview and am thinking of starting to read the whole Charley series all over again. It will definitely be fun. 😀

  130. I just found this series AFTER book 7 released. I quickly read them all and fell in love with the series. Typically long series repeat the same thing and seem to drag on. But not this one. It just keeps getting better and better! I can’t wait for book 8 and would love the chance to win an ARC.

  131. Love, Love, Love these books. Charley is one of the best characters being published today and Reyes…mmmmmmmmmmm Reyes 😉

  132. I love Darynda. I live in NM and it’s cool reading a book and knowing the surroundings she is describing. I think Charley and Reyes are the best characters in books right now. so much so that i named my 2 foster kittens after them 🙂

  133. Love this series

    But I’d have to figure out a way to decorate Mr Wang for the seasons then have people try to figure out how it’s done. It would amuse me.

  134. I absolutely adore Darynda! I love the Charley Davidson series! Can’t wait for Eighth Grave After Dark to be released… on my birthday!!

  135. Totally hooked on this series from the humor to the sparks between Charley and Reyes…every book has been a great read 🙂

  136. Absolutely love and am addicted to Charley and Reyes, can’t wait for the next one. Artemis is pretty amazing as well. Just read them all again and it is one of my top series to read and read and read, you get the picture!

  137. I just love Darynda. She is a sweet person and an awesome writer. I love her stories! And yes!!!, you must read her YA books.

  138. The devil made me do it! LOL Just kidding, I freaking love these books! My husband and I both read them, just want you to know they are laugh out loud funny sometimes( I have woken my husband at midnight laughing). They are creepy cool and such a good read! Thanks for sharing the stories in your head!

  139. Needless to say, I’m a huge Darynda Jones fan!! And I love how you ladies giggle through the interview. It’s heart-warming and fun….let’s have coffee…:-)

  140. Darynda Jones and her Charlie Davidson series are the first books in a long time to catch my interest so thoroughly. Thanks Darynda!

  141. I absolutely love this series. Charley and the gang are downright funny. Darynda Jones keeps you enthralled from the first page!!! Can’t wait for Book 8!!!!

  142. I love Darynda’s series, Charley is so much fun and yet there is a depth to her… I also listen to the series on audiobooks, they come alive for me!!!

  143. Love Darynda and Charlie…….Charlie is just sooooo special and I can’t help but to re read all her books…..and the audio books are fantastic too. Such a talent. Hope Darynda doesn’t ever stop writing.

  144. I absolutely adore these books and Darynda Jones! Her trademark snark cracks me up every time and I love all of the characters! Can’t wait for the next installment!

  145. Looks like a good book. Would love an ARC. Have read most Anita Blake novels and enjoyed them. This could be the next series do me!!

  146. Had the pleasure of meeting Darynda recently at a book signing here in Albuquerque. I was pretty much star struck! She is so very nice and humble, and she sure knows how to write! I love this series, she’s my favorite author and I cannot wait til book #8 comes out. I would love to be chosen to receive the ARC!

  147. I discovered this series last year in which I immediately glommed books 1 thru 6, then I was stuck like the rest of the world waiting for book 7 which I consumed in one sitting. If you’ve read book 7 then my immediate need for book 8 should be obvious.

  148. I absolutely love this series! My daughter told me about it and then I was hooked. I just finished the seventh book and now I feel lost because I have to wait for the eighth! Her style of writing in this series reminds me so much of myself! Keep them coming!

  149. I love Darynda Jones and her books more than I love coffee. And that’s something because I can’t live without my coffee. Darynda Jones has a way with words which makes you feel every emotion there is. If I manage to win this ARC – highly unlikely, given my bad luck – it would make my year! *fingers crossed*

  150. Can’t wait to read more Charley! She may be Darynda’s alter ego, but every alter ego has a little bit of the real person in them. I’d love an ARC!

  151. I ADORE this series soo much! It’s so very different to anything else out there. Every booking the series just gets better and better. I’m so excited to hear about the spinoff series too. Can’t wait for book 8. Zx

  152. It is odd, I wasn’t completely charmed the first time I read Darynda, but then once I was hooked, I became obsessed with Charley Davidson. And Reyes. Now she is a perennial reread for me.

    (Btw, it is Stephen King, not Steven.)

  153. Darynda Jones is amazing and funny. Her books have had me in love with Charley from first chapter. Keep up the great work

  154. Loved the interview. Just finished 7th Grave, can’t wait on 8th Grave. Just bought my 15 yr old granddaughter the Death series, now I can’t get her to put them down & do chores. Lol

  155. Absolutely love Darynda Jones and her Charley series! Would freak out to be able to read the next book sooner rather than later. Thank you for the opportunity!

  156. Amazing interview! Darynda is incredible! I love her, and I’m eternally thankful to her for bring us Charley and Reyes. I’m in love with the serie ❤
    Thanks for the chance! I hope to win haha.

  157. I’m dying to read the next one. I read so much i forget the story by the time the next one comes out so i have to read the entire series three or four times waiting for the next one

  158. The day I picked up the First grave to the right, I could not put it down until the end and then had to go to web for the rest of the books out. I read books 1-6 in one week (only because I had to go to work). I could not stop laughing at the antics and absolutely love the quips at the beginning of each chapter, my daughter refused to let me get my hands on the 7th book until one month after my wedding, so I would not ignore my new husband for the book. He he he!
    A great quip for a future book might be,
    When in danger or in doubt run in circles scream and shout.
    In short I love your books and salivate for each new book, thank you for the great books

  159. I love this series and recommend it to anyone who loves to read and have a good laugh too. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series!

  160. Great interview. As an unpublished writer I can appreciate the talent, time and effort it took to get to where Darynda is. And humor… she’s done such a great job of bringing Charlie’s personality and humor to life. I totally forget I’m even reading! I would be honored at a chance to read the eight book before others. Thanks for the chance.

  161. How can you not love her books?? The first paragraph of the book and you are hooked, addicted, in love. It is so hard to put the book down once you start. My family think I am obsessed with here books. To have the new book would be a dream come true.

  162. Thank you so much for posting your interview! I’m a huge fan of Darynda’s work and scoop each of her books up and read them as soon as released. She’s an amazing writer. I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing her in a candid interview before so it was great to watch your video interview and learn what a neat lady she is too! Great job!!

  163. I absolutely love love love love this series! Pleeeeease let me have it!!! Also, keep this series going — it’s one of my favorites ever! ❤

  164. Absolutely the best series bar none. And I know that deep, deep down there has to be a little bit of Charley and Cookie in Ms. Jones. All the snark and attitude has to be real. If not then she is one helluva good writer to come across with her characters (either way she still is a good character writer)

  165. I don’t just love the Grave Series I also admire and adore Darynda! She is such a nice person!!! I find myself texting some of Charley’s snarky comments to my friends in the middle of the night! That’s how I hook em’!

  166. Squeeee, I ve read them all every book written by DJ , her YA and Charlie Davison. I admit to reading Charlie’s books more than once and again on audio BEST AUDIOBOOK S OUT THERE. I’d love to have an ARC, dream of of it even. 😀
    Thanks for the chance

  167. The next book can’t come soon enough!! They say that your personality is built up from the people you spend the most time with- all I have to say is I’m on my second cup of coffee and I have been naming everything I own! Thank you for writing such a strong female character!!

  168. Love the Charley Davidson series….read them all within a week. Can’t wait for eight grave to come out. Already have it preordered!

  169. I love this series and count the days until each new book is released. I don’t want to wait for May. Charley Davidson rocks!!!

  170. I am so freaking excited for book 8, it comes out the day before my birthday. Its going to be my birthday present to myself. 😉

  171. I adore Darynda 💗 and this series she writes. On some levels, I wish they’d come out more often, to feed my Charlie-Reyes fix. But on the other hand, at least I get some things done between books. I can’t get anything else done when I get my hands on one if her new books in the series! I can’t put the darned thing down! Girlfriend!! You’ve got me SO addicted!!

  172. I have never enjoyed a series of books as I have the story of Charley Davidson. The character is funny, serious, thought provoking and takes me away from my life and places me in a different world. I look forward to every book Darynda Jones writes about Charley. I just hope that part of Charley’s loving character is due to Darynda’s character because that would make Darynda an awesome lady to know!

  173. Love this series – it is like visiting with your best friend who will tell you like it is and make you laugh at the same time.

  174. Darynda’s one of my favorite authors and this was a true pleasure to watch. Great interview, Diana!, Thanks soooo much for sharing the fun 🙂

  175. I just read this series for the first time a few of weeks ago and they quickly became one of my all time favorites. I could’t put them down. I can’t wait for the next installment and it would be so awesome to get an ARC!

  176. I love Charlie! The whole series is fun, quirky and addicting. There is a slew of nurses in Virginia that have named their breasts due to your influence!

  177. I picked up the 1st book from the library shelf because the title intrigued me. I quickly told my avid reader friends and the series became a fast favorite. I always anxiously await the next installment. I love the quotes at the beginning of each chapter and am often tempted to get a t-shirt with my favorites. I just can’t get enough!!! Please pick me!

  178. I love this series and I’m in withdrawal. I’m a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, TV series not movie, and Charley reminds me of her. Strong, confident, loyal and able to bring the weirdest group of people together. She is so funny and I want say the crazy things she does, with no filter. I would love for this series to come to life too. Looking forward to the next book and finding out the name of Reyes and Charley’s baby. Maybe Buffy or Athena, goddess of war 🙂

  179. This is seriously one of the best series out there and it just keeps getting better!!! Charlie is incredible..I wish I had her sense of humor :).

  180. I met Darynda a couple of years ago, in Atlanta, at a RWA literacy event. She was so funny and friendly….. and she introduced me to her YA series. I knew Reyes was hot, but who knew Death was cute?!?

  181. Stop this contest immediately as the prize belongs to me. No need to keep searching on reading other comments because, frankly, it would just be a waste of your time which we all know is quite precious. This may blow your mind but I can read so there really isn’t a better candidate for this prize. You may want to reply, telling me that “others can read too” but that is irrelevant…

    I’m a fan. I can’t wait until May. Pick me. Pretty please?

  182. I just started reading your books last week and I’m hooked and already getting others in my book club hooked. You are a genius of wit! Will you please Skype into our book club meeting?

  183. I’ve got # 6 on the way from e-bay. Every time I get one of her books, I only read one chapter a day so they last longer. Because as soon as I finish I need the next one. Love the since of humor.

  184. you are one of the top authors me and my friends have taken great pleasure in reading. Each of the books in both death and the girl he loves and Davidson series are both refreshing and fun!!! No two books are the same, I look forward to each book because while hints are given its never too much I never go… Well I guess there is no point in reading that one I already know what’s gonna happen! Thank you Darynda Jones, you’r an amazing writer!😃

  185. Any comment at all? In that case, discovering Darynda Jones was a really happy accident and I’m so glad they were out of stock on the book I went to B&N for. Although I did eventually wind up purchasing the one I originally went to the store for, it was the first book in the Charlie Davidson series that went with me to the beach that weekend. I’ve purchased every one since this. If you let me have the ARC, I promise to still buy anyway! 🙂

  186. i happened upon the first book and have loved them all since i spend alot of time reading as i am disabled so it helps hope i get this book would be nice fingers crossed

  187. I’m so in love w this series! I would be soooo happy to get an ARC 😉 but if not I will continue rereading and waiting impatiently!

  188. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Charley and this series! It’s in my top 3 series ever! Absolutely cannot wait for this book!! Would love to win an ARC 😘

  189. Hi everyone
    I’d love to receive the arc of the 8th especially because in Italy this serie is so behind. I’m so addict , that I read all the other books in English.
    Darynda is one of my favorite authors and I need always more Darynda’s drug 😉
    Hi Lilu

  190. Darynda Jones is one of my favorite authors! Just finished Seventh Grave and No Body & would LOVE LOVE an ARC of the eighth installment.

  191. These books are phenomenal! I have read the series over and over! Getting the eighth book for an early read would be amazing!

  192. My mom introduced me to Darynda’s books. They soon became two of my favorite series. I became so impatient that I couldn’t wait for my mom to read them on release day and bought all of them for myself. I can’t wait for #8.

  193. What started out as “the blurb on the back sounds good” has turned into “I HOPE THIS NEVER ENDS”. Love the series and all the characters, especially like Cookie. Can’t wait to read the next one, and see what’s in store for Charley, Reyes, and the rest of the gang .

  194. I can’t wait! I have read all the books already and am waiting on pins and needles for the next one! I am about to re-read them all again.

  195. A friend introduced me to Darynda Jones and boy did I think her. I love reading her work and look forward to reading more. I would truly love a ARC of her new book and if Darynda would like I would give her my comments about it too. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us, keep up the good work!

  196. Wow I love her work!!! I’m so ready for book 8!!! My poor reyes!!! I need more!!! I need book 8 right now!!!! Please!!! Pretty please!!!!

  197. I found the series based on a recommendation from J.R. Ward. Love. Love. Love the Grave series, Thank you Darynda for bringing her to life. Keep them coming.

  198. Eighth Grave comes out on my birthday! Being able to taunt my co-works because I already know what happens would be the best gift. 😉

  199. When Life hands you lemons…hey, free lemons! LOL…you expect it to end, make lemonade…but that is what is so great about Charley…she is so fresh and different. Quirky and funny! Love this series and would love to win and ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark. 🙂

  200. I Love The Grave books. I can’t wait for #8! Would be awesome to get it early! Wish they would make these books into a tv series (have to be cable) or movies as long as Darynda is at the very least a consultant!

  201. Darynda Jones has easily become one of my new favorite authors recently. After stumbling on her first book featuring Charley Davidson just a few days ago, I haven’t been able to book the books down since. This series is humorous, emotional and so captivating it is hard to not binge read once you’ve started. Thank you Darynda for creating such a loveable character and enjoyable book series.

  202. I was (am) so excited when I read this that I pressed post as soon as I saw this… I hadn’t even written my name- let alone a comment… do I smell desperate? Probably-don’t even answer that. I am so obsessed with these books it’s not even funny! The emotional investment I have in these characters is intense gosh I’d love to read this book like RIGHT NOW!! Love the books. Going to stop writing now before this comment ends up becoming a book…Yeah desperation at its finest people. I am desperate for this book. Now I’ll stop. Seriously your a great writer Ms.Jones. Great now I’m done.

  203. I would love to win this book so bad! I own the first six. Haven’t bought book seven yet. I was broke so I had to get it from the library. Hopefully I will be able to buy Seventh Grave soon and I will need Eighth Grave to complete the collection.

  204. Darynda is my favorite author. I’m glad I found her 3 years ago.
    I’m more than excited with the possibility of winning the contest and being able to read the 8th book. I can’t wait for it!!

  205. I keep checking everyday on the off chance I actually won. I would need to go buy a lot of coffee, a pair of dark sunglesses and a snarky tshirt!

  206. It’s hard to type with my fingers crossed! Isn’t that what you do when you really, really want something, LOL!?! Uh-oh, or, are we supposed to stop doing that when we become adults, LOL??? Right now, I’m going to go with it because it just might help me win, LOL! Gosh, I wish I could think of something funny or cute (or both) to say but I can’t think of anything, like that, right now:) So, I’ll just say that I desire to win GRAVE #8 because I love the series! Also, cheers to Darynda. She shows so much love to her fans! That makes her not only an awesome writer but she’s a KIND, sensitive person, too!

  207. I found Darynda’s book in Wal mart on there discount table. I picked it up and read the back and was lost. I took it home and just could not put it down. As soon as I finished it I went out and bought the rest. I was so deeply in love with the rich and wonderful characters and world that Darynda’s created that I have not been able to get enough and I always anxiously await the newest book. Thank you Darynda’s for giving me a world that I love to lose myself in.

  208. Love Charley and Cookie, I’d definitely hang out with them anytime. All of the characters are awesome . I’d love to receive Eighth Grave (eights my lucky number) fingers crossed.

  209. My friend recommended this series to me and I am so glad she did! The humor, the wit, how Charley always gets into one pickle after another is awesome sauce! Reyes is a dream/sex boat from hell and so hot he makes a reader’s mouth water! ARC or no ARC, I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!

  210. I love your books!!! My life is so hectic and stressful at times. Especially, as a mother of 2, and a officer. My hobby is reading, and I love getting lost in a good book. That is why I love your books they are funny, sexy, and I get so hooked on them. I try to find other books or authors that might tie me over to your next release, but I haven’t been successful : ( you truly are a talented author. Keep up the good work!!!

  211. I like how Charliey talks to the china man in the corner. She talks to him about everything. I also like how when she gets mad at her Uncle the things she says to him. Lol I really love when she is mad at Reyes and then goes of and does something she shouldn’t. The best is you never know what she is going to get herself into. Thank You for all the good story’s.

  212. I recently, 2 wks ago, stumbled onto Darynda Jones ‘ Charley Davidson series. I was/am hooked. I am anxiouly awaiting the release of Eighth Grave After Dark. The wait is killing me.

  213. I love her books, and have read all 7 so far. The characters make me lol. I wish I could buy all of the t-shirts and bumper stickers. 🙂 winning this would be awesome, but I’m going to buy it anyway, and can’t wait until it comes out.

  214. Darynda is NOT in the same category as Steven King. I’ve read one King book and had no desire to read more. I can’t wait to read a Darynda Jones book and will reread them as well. Ms Jones is in a category well above King.

  215. A coworker told me I had to read these books because I’d appreciate the smartass-ery. I read the first one and have been hooked like Charley on coffee (or Reyes 😉 ) ever since. Sarcasm, coffee, and eye candy, what’s not to like?

  216. YAY! Sign me up! Love Darynda Jones! If I don’t get the ARC like my neice would say: I’m going to ask papa for a piece of paper and draw mama, papa, go go, and jj but not you!

  217. Wow! I sure hope Darynda is feelin’ the love from all these comments! I just started reading this series about 4 days ago – I’m in the middle of book 3 and I absolutely adore Charley in all her sarcastic snarky glory. Very cool interview – I can’t wait top see how she splits the cast for her Charley spin-off!

  218. In order to maintain what little sanity I have left I NEED this ARC!!! I’m close to having the other books in the series memorized I’ve read them so often while waiting a new one to come out.

  219. Oooh! ARC giveaway! My favorite thing. I love Charley and Cookie and I really lurrrrrrrrve Reyes. I read the first chapter of the first book and I was hooked.

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